Determined to help you pass the MRCPCH exams has over 3,900 MRCPCH revision questions, more than any other online site. It is more than just a bank of questions. We use an intelligent database to ensure that only the
best questions remain on the site. The database also compares your performance to other users,
highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, and helping you to focus your revision.
Passing the MRCPCH exams involves spotting questions and common themes. We understand this
and so base our questions on previous exam questions and the college syllabus. All of our questions
are in the same format as those found in the actual MRCPCH exam.
We recognise that learning is most effective when it is contextual. Therefore, detailed notes
(supported by the latest evidence) accompany each question. This ensures that you understand the
answer and are able to recognise the question in the future.
To make sure you pass the exam first time it is essential that you get practice working under
exam conditions. We offer you this experience through the use of an unlimited number of timed tests
(for no extra charge).
Our team at PassPaeds understands that your time is precious, in view of this we offer you a
revision course that makes every second of your revision count.